Can you really get more business, find more clients, make more money through Social Media Marketing?
Hello, my name is Jeff Echols and I’m here to tell you that Social Media IS real.
I’ve been working in the Digital Marketing space since 2006; long before Facebook was available to anyone but college students.
One accomplishment I’m most proud of is the fact that I developed and executed a Social Media Marketing strategy for a small, startup Architecture firm in Indianapolis. That strategy can be directly attributed to over $4.25 Million in construction in less than 4 years. Not bad for a little three-man firm that started from scratch!
I know that when people talk about “successful” Social Media you hear a lot about companies like Coca Cola and Red Bull and Starbucks.
Let’s be honest; for most of us those companies are hard to relate to. They have Marketing Departments, Social Media Teams … even Marketing Budgets.
You may not have any of that.
How can you, with no Marketing Budget (let alone a Social Media Team) leverage your time and creative talents with Social Media?
That’s why I’m here.
- I’ve asked that question.
- I’ve struggled with the time management issues.
- I’ve dabbled on the Social Networks.
But more importantly,
- I’ve learned how to focus and strategize and succeed.
I’ve realized that not only can you find more clients through Social Media Marketing, but you can find the right kind of client; your perfectly matched, better educated, higher paying Ideal Client through Social Media Marketing.
It’s my mission to help you succeed, to have a greater impact in the world by telling your story. I recognize that many businesses struggle with Marketing. I know that Social Media Marketing is a mystery to many business owners.
Whether you’re new to the online arena, you’re ready to launch your first campaign or you’re expanding your platform, I will help you make sense of the ever-changing geography of the Social Media landscape.
If you need to learn how to be successful through Social Media Marketing I can help.
Whether you need:
- A Marketing Strategist
- Onsite Training Sessions
- An Expert Event Speaker
- Content Creation and Management
I’m here for you.